A vast network of investigative reporters collaborated on a global scale to dive into the financial documents known as the Panama Papers. It took months to sift through the 11.5 million leaked documents. We’ll look at how the data were organized, how such a large, global project was kept secret, and get insights into how reporters started shaping their ongoing stories.
Speaker resource:
Video summary
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5oKkwjs4Bbo?list=PLmrEHCNTmcQXVgpKZL6gZnuyI5iyaM5HB&w=560&h=315]
Justin Arenstein - Director, Code for Africa
JustinArenstein | http://codeforafrica.org
Emilia Díaz-Struck - Research Editor, The International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ)
| http://www.icij.org
Anant Goenka - Executive Director, The Express Group
anantgoenka | http://expressgroup.indianexpress.com/
Patrick Butler - Vice President-Programs, International Center for Journalists
pbutler50 | http://www.icfj.org