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Newsgathering Tools + Techniques Track
Day 1 - Thursday, September 15
11:30 am
Bringing Ethical and Social Newsgathering to Your Newsroom
Centennial Ballroom H | #socialnewsethics
NBC News/MSNBC: Avoiding Stereotypes in Reporting and How Transparency is Your Ally When it Happens [Sponsored]
Mineral Room B+C | #ONA16NBC
2:30 pm
F* It, We'll Do It Live: Workshopping The Hows & Whys Of Live Stream Part I
Mineral Rooms F+G | #ONA16lsbasics
Panama Papers, or How To Coordinate a Secret in the Digital Age
Centennial Ballrooms D+E | #ONA16Panama
Rethinking 'Diversity': How to Cover Race & Inclusion
Centennial Ballroom C | #ONA16race
4:00 pm
Story, Platform and Design: Digital Journalism Insights + VIP Meetup
Centennial Ballroom C | #ONAelects
F* It, We'll Do It Live: Workshopping The Hows & Whys Of Live Stream Part II
Mineral Rooms F+G | #ONA16lsbasics
Day 2 - Friday, September 16
10:00 am
Table Talks: Newsgathering Tools + Techniques
Mineral Rooms D-G
11:30 am
Knight Foundation: Inside the Guardian Mobile Innovation Lab and MIT’s Electome [Sponsored]
Mineral Room B+C | #ONA16Knight
2:00 pm
Change Up Your 2016 Election Coverage. Create a Computational Campaign.
Cenntennial Ballroom H | #ONA16campaign
Day 3 - Saturday, September 17
10:00 am
10 Tech Trends in Journalism
Centennial Ballrooms D+E | #ONA16trends
11:30 am
[Unconference] Session 1 Collaboration is a Messy Necessity
Mineral Rooms D+E | #ONAuncon
[Unconference] Session 2 Don’t Read the Comments, Sew Them!
Mineral Rooms F+G | #ONAuncon
CNN Digital: Adventures in Multiplatform Storytelling [Sponsored]
Mineral Room B+C | #ONA16CNN
4:00 pm
[Unconference] Session 3 Engagement is Relational, Not Transactional
Cenntennial Ballroom G | #ONAuncon
[Unconference] Session 4 How Questions Saved My Life and Publishing Industry in Europe
Mineral Rooms D+E | #ONAuncon
[Unconference] Session 5 How to Solve Local Journalism's Money Problem
Mineral Rooms F+G | #ONAuncon
ONA16 Lightning Talks
Centennial Ballroom F | #ONA16lt