Trymaine joined MSNBC in 2012 as a National Reporter reporting on national social justice issues. Trymaine has been on the ground covering stories in high intensity situations surrounding the clash between race and politics within the country. He has travelled to Baltimore to report on the public outcry after the Freddie Gray case, covered ongoing protests in Ferguson and trekked to numerous locations to hear first-hand accounts of how political policy impact everyday lives. Trymaine was Senior Reporter for the Huffington Post before joining MSNBC. While there, he led coverage of the Trayvon Martin case and was widely credited for being the first print journalist to break the story nationally. He has also reported for many organizations including the New York Times, The Times-Picayune, The Trentonian and the Philadelphia Tribune.
- Thursday, Sep 15 - NBC News/MSNBC: Avoiding Stereotypes in Reporting and How Transparency is Your Ally When it Happens [Sponsored]
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