Ann-Marie is an award-winning journalist. She is the founder of The Hartford Guardian, a civic-minded news publication in print and online. It is the oldest nonprofit and independent publication in Connecticut.
Since the Guardian's founding in 2004, Ann-Marie is noted for covering the Eddie Perez corruption trial, which led to his conviction being overturned. Additionally, her reporting about condo associations' scams helped shape new laws to protect condo owners. And her reporting on the predatory lending and foreclosures by Bank of America and other financial institutions led to new policies to help prevent fraud.
Ann-Marie has also covered the 1999 Columbine shootings in Denver, Colorado and the 2012 Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting in Newtown, Connecticut, the Pope's visit to the US and the General Assembly at the United Nations. More recently, her coverage of Obamacare led to President Barack Obama's administration discovering fraud under the new Affordable Care Act law.
Website: http://www.thehartfordguardian.com