Looking for some fresh revenue streams? Our seven experts present lightning talks (five minutes or less) on ideas that go beyond advertising, events and subscriptions.
Speaker resources:
Video of the session:
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HaZttC33KbY&w=560&h=315]
— This session has live video
— This session has recorded audio

Steve Buttry - Director of Student Media, Louisiana State University
stevebuttry | https://stevebuttry.wordpress.com/

Sue Cross - Executive Director & CEO, Institute for Nonprofit News
suecross | http://www.inn.org

Celeste LeCompte - Director of Business Development, ProPublica
celrae | http://propublica.org

Mike Orren - President, Speakeasy
mikeorren | http://yourspeakeasy.com

Chris Roper - Deputy Director, Code for Africa
chrisroper | http://codeforafrica.org

Greg Linch - Data Developer, McClatchy DC
greglinch | http://greglinch.com/